His living voice, with its undulations and inflexions, assisted by the mobile play of feature and an infinite variety of bodily gesture, is driven to borrow dignity from the same metaphor. 人的声音,它的起伏高低,并辅之以活跃的面部表情与体态姿势上的千变万化,都势所必然地借助于这同一譬喻。
With the rapid development of technology, multimedia assisted instruction in education play an increasing role. 随着科技的高速发展,多媒体辅助教学在教育中发挥越来越大的作用。
Web - assisted self-access learning may play an important role in the future College English teaching and even in the ELT field. 网络辅助自主学习在将来的大学英语教学甚至整个英语教学领域起到重要作用。
However, B, his opponent, claims that the smoothing assisted A in his subsequent play of the hole because it constituted testing the consistency of the sand. 不过,他的对手B宣称平整的动作对A接下来在该洞的比赛有帮助,因为其检验了沙坑的粘稠度。
Assisted examination The auxiliary simultaneous equations in the theory of large scale systems play an important role in this theory. 大系统理论中的辅助方程组在该理论中占有十分重要的地位。