He received his doctorate in computer science in 1999 from the Technical University(TU) of Aachen, Germany. 他于1999年从德国TechnicalUniversityofAachen获得了计算机科学博士学位。
After my graduation from the aerospace lyceum in1993i entered in Novosibirsk state technical university, automation and computer engineering. 1993年从宇航学院毕业之后,我进入了新西伯利亚州的科技大学学习,主修自动化和计算机工程专业。
Graduated with a bachelor degree in laser technologies from Harbin Technical University(TU) in1982. 1982年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学激光技术专业,获学士学位。
He holds the German equivalent of a master's degree in computer science from the Technical University(TU) of Aachen ( RWTH Aachen ). 他在亚琛技术大学(TU)(RWTHAachen)获得了计算机科学的硕士同等学历。
In 1987 Mr Vilsmeier enrolled in a computing course at the Technical University(TU) of Munich, one of Germany's leading educational institutes, only to quit after 20 days. 1987年,韦斯麦尔报考了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)的计算机专业。在这家德国领先的教育机构里,他只上了20天的课就退学了。