When I cite the avalanche of critical studies to career counsellors, coaches, and trainers who administer Myers-Briggs tests, they often point out that the test is not designed to match people to ideal careers. 每当我向实施MBTI测试的职业顾问、教练和培训师一一列举各类批评性研究结果时,他们总是指出,这项测试的设计宗旨并不是让人们与其理想职业实现对接。
Intertextuality is a term often used in critical studies. 互文性是批判研究中一个常见的术语。
Until now, there have been a great number of critical studies on Wilde and his works, but mostly on his personality and aestheticism. 至今已有大量对王尔德本人和有关他的著作的研究,但大部分都集中于他的人格特性和唯美主义。
This study validates the viewpoint of former critical studies that news is not unbiased and objective as it seems to be and that the naturalized ideological assumptions and implications are concealed under the seemingly neutral lexical and structural patterns. 本文的研究证实了之前批评性语篇分析研究的结论,即,新闻并非如其所标榜的公正客观,在看似中立的词汇和结构类型下隐藏了自然化的推断和暗示。
More and more CDA researchers have showed great interest in the critical studies on media discourse, and news discourse has become an important research subject. 当今,越来越多的批评性语篇分析研究者对媒体语篇的批评性分析表现出了浓厚的兴趣,对于新闻语篇的关注已经成为一个重要的例证。