I 'm talking about video games, games like Counter Strike(CS), Diablo, Smash Brothers or Halo. 我说的是电子游戏,像反恐精英(CS)、暗黑破坏神、任天堂明星大乱斗或是光环。
Another popular game is Counter Strike(CS) ( CS ). 另一款非常流行的游戏是《反恐精英(CS)》。
New King VS Mars counter strike 新编辑手记新王与战神的对决
China and Pakistan must know that with COUNTER VAILING SECOND STRIKE, India is capable of causing UNACCEPTABLE DAMAGE which will be catastrophic. 中国和巴基斯坦必须了解,印度的军事对抗性第二次打击有能力造成灾难性损害。
In the modern war, the density of EM signal is higher and higher, Electronic Counter Measures ( ECM ) and electronic strike has been crueler and crueler. 在现代战争环境中,电磁信号日益密集,电子干扰和攻击也更加残酷。