The second kingdom to accomplish this is a form of sea otter. 第二个将要实现这一成就的王国是一种海獭。
Second, associating the Kingdom of God to protect the sovereignty. 第二,用上帝之国来维护绝对主权。
Mollusca is the second biggest phylum in animal kingdom. 软体动物是动物界仅次于节肢动物的第二大门类。
The country accounted for 19.9 % of all American trips to Europe in 2013, second only to the United Kingdom with 26.3 %, according to a Commerce Department report. 美国商务部的报告显示,在2013年赴欧旅行的美国人中,有19.9%前往法国,仅次于赴英国旅行的游客比重(26.3%)。
Heroin was once the second prince of the human kingdom's northern lordship, but he was banished because he tried to murder his brother, the heir of his lord father's lordship. 海洛因本是人类王国北领地的次王子,但他在意图谋杀身为封邑继承者的兄长后被放逐了。