At this point both client and server have copies of shared session key. 现在,客户端和服务器都有了共享会话密钥(SK)的副本。
This way the server gets the identity of the client and the session key. 这样,服务器将得到客户端的身份和会话密钥(SK)。
Using this session key, client and server can safely communicate with each other. 使用此会话密钥(SK),客户端和服务器可以安全地相互通信。
The session key can be obtained by using the special equation and the service private-key in decryption. 解密时利用特殊等式和服务密钥可获得会话密钥(SK)。
Here, client has been authenticated and server knows the shared session key to communicate to this particular client. 在这里,客户端已经过了身份验证,服务器知道用于与这个特定客户端通信的共享会话密钥(SK)。