In currently mobile multimedia systems, resources are stored in proxy server, when clients request resource, multimedia data is directly transmitted from proxy server to the client. 现有的移动多媒体系统,资源都是存储在代理服务器上,当客户请求时,多媒体数据从服务器端直接传送至客户端。
When two applications request resource, both of them cannot get all of the resource no matter how high their priorities are. 当有两个应用程序竞争计算资源的时候无论如何提高其中一个应用程序的优先级都无法使它获得全部的计算资源。
When a user clicks on one of the nodes in the example, the tree will ask the store to load the item and the store will request the resource. 在本例中,当用户点击其中一个节点时,树将请求存储库加载条目,存储库将请求资源(RR)。
In such cases, the WS-Resource might support a message exchange pattern that allows a service requestor to request that resource's destruction. 在这样的情况下,Web服务资源(WS-Resource)可能会支持消息交换模式,从而允许服务请求者请求销毁资源。
A request for resource could not be satisfied. 无法满足资源的请求。