If this timeline is accurate, then something is really askew in round rock. 如果这个时间表是准确的,那么问题肯定出在戴尔身上。
A large round rock, placed solidly on its base, was the only spot to which they seemed to lead. 只有一块圆形的大石头稳稳地立在那儿,似乎成了唯一的目标。
Such risks were already evident for Dell during its last reported quarter, when the Round Rock(RR), Texas, company increased its consumer PC sales even as that division failed to make a profit. 在戴尔上个季度公布的收益中,这种风险已经显露出来了,当时公司的个人电脑销量增加,却没有盈利。
Round rock in Texas and Palo Alto in California are half a continent apart, but Dell and Hewlett-Packard ( HP ), two tech behemoths that, respectively, have their headquarters in those cities, have much in common. 德克萨斯州的圆石城和加利福尼亚州的帕诺阿尔托市,分别是两大科技巨头戴尔和惠普的总部所在地,两城隔着半个大陆,却有很多相似之处。
Dell next month will offer customers the option of adding a second drive to some PCs to automatically mirror data, the Round Rock(RR), Texas-based computer maker said Wednesday. 坐落于德克萨斯州的戴尔公司周三宣布,下个月其台式机客户可以选择性的安装第二块硬盘以自动映射备份数据。