In minimally invasive surgery, the surgical robot can assist doctors to position precisely and provide stable operation platform. 摘要在微创手术(MIS)中,医疗外科机器人可以辅助医生精确定位和提供稳定的手术平台。
Conclusions : Laparoscopic splenectomy is a kind safe and minimally invasive surgery. 结论:腹腔镜脾切除术是一种安全、有效、微创的手术。
Objective : To summarize the nursing method of minimally invasive surgery for patients with osmidrosis axillae. 目的:总结微创手术(MIS)治疗腋臭患者的护理方法。
Impact of minimally invasive surgery on the treatment of esophageal achalasia : a decade of change. 影响微创手术(MIS)的治疗食管贲门失弛缓症:一个变革的10年。
Minimally invasive surgery is the development direction of treatment for children spinal tuberculosis. 微创外科技术是儿童生长期脊柱结核治疗的发展方向。