Graph showing the maturity of ascospores over accumulated degree days. 累计子囊孢子成熟的百分比在不同程度上一天的积累。
Futures prices of " cooling degree days " traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, representing the collective wisdom of traders and meteorologists, suggest August will be hot too. 代表交易员和气象学家集体智慧的芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的“冷度日(DD)”(coolingdegreedays)期货价格表明,8月份也会很热。
Plant biomass and fruit yield in spring were larger than in autumn, due to higher growing degree days. 春季植株的总生物量和经济产量大于秋季,这是由春季生长期间高的积温所决定的。
The results show that the model can predict leaf area and total dry weight of greenhouse muskmelon more accurately than the traditional specific leaf area ( SLA ) and growing degree days ( GDD ) based models. 结果表明,本模型较用比叶面积和叶干重的SLA法及用积温与叶面积的函数的GDD法更能准确地模拟温室甜瓜的LAI和植株总干重。
Simulation of greenhouse muskmelon development based on growing degree days 基于生长度日(DD)的温室甜瓜发育模拟模型的研究