To solve this problem, this article has provided several solutions like defined definition field etc. 为了克服这一困境,论文给出了限定定义域等多种解决思路。
Proceeding with basic theories, this thesis defined the definition, classification of rural tourism demonstration areas. 本文从基础理论研究入手,对乡村旅游示范区的概念和分类进行了界定。
From the related theory, and its social responsibility for excellent athletes were defined and definition. 从相关的理论出发,对优秀运动员及其社会责任分别界定和定义。
Then, basing on the related theory of the rights system, defined the definition, nature and significance of rights for forests system. 接着以权利体系的相关理论为基础,对林权体系的定义、性质和意义作出了界定。
Second, at the base of existing literature, this article defined the definition of related variable and the dimensions of each variable, then build the research model. 在梳理和归纳了现有文献的基础上,界定了本文采用的各个变量的具体含义及维度,构建了本文的研究模型。