In a similar vein, some people may feel that the claim that God created the world ex nihilo ( from nothing ) is irrational since we have no conception of nihilo. 类似地,由于我们没有关于“无”的概念,所以有人可能觉得上帝从“无”中创造世界的主张是非理性的。
Eventually Baudrillard devoted his thinking of Nothing and ex nihilo to the explanation of the truth of art and the reality of contemporary art. 最终鲍德里亚将自己的哲学思考和对“无”、“无中生有”的体悟投射到艺术之思当中,阐释当代艺术现实的真相。
According to the Book of Genesis, the universe began in a single, flashing act of creation; the divine intellect willed all into being, ex nihilo. 根据《圣经》的《创世纪》,宇宙产生于一次闪光,由造物主一挥而就;神以心志赋予一切以生命,即无中生有。