This year, the average sales price for an apartment in New York City topped $ 1 million, a milestone with far-reaching implications. 今年,纽约市公寓的平均售价突破了100万美元(约合人民币623万元),这是一个影响深远的里程碑。
Commercial house average sales price will keep growing from the result of predicting model. 从模型预测的结果看,我国商品住宅价格在未来呈上升趋势。
Although organic rice is 10 4 % lower in average yield and costs 109 % more than the conventional one, it enjoys a sales price 2 78 times as high as the conventional one does. This brings about higher economic benefit for organic rice. 尽管有机水稻的平均产量较常规生产降低了104%,投入成本提高了109%,但由于有机大米的价格是常规的278倍,因此有机水稻生产的经济效益更高。