Based on the water quality and hydrologic characteristics of the Lijiang River, a water pollution control software is developed by math analysis and model, Visual Basic software, ACCESS database technology, graph and image treatment technology. 结合漓江的水文和水质特点,综合利用数学建模、VISUALBASIC高级语言编程、AC-CESS数据库技术、图形图像处理技术,初步开发了漓江流域水污染控制软件系统。
The environmental degraded degree of 39 monitoring sites built along the Tarim river in the lower reaches were analyzed by using the factor analysis method, which is provided by the software of Statistical Package for the Social Science ( SPSS ). 为了研究土地荒漠化及其影响因子,对塔里木河下游沿河道布设的39个样地,进行环境退化因子分析。
Taking Wenchuan County in the upstream of Min River as a case, the cultivated land use change and the driving forces were explored using the principal component analysis through SPSS software. 该文研究了汶川县的耕地变化情况,并运用定性与定量结合的方法分析了导致耕地变化的原因。