Enterprise JavaBeans components are widely used for enabling remote access to data and services. 企业JavaBean组件广泛用于远程访问数据和服务。
Remote user authentication schemes allow a valid user to login a remote sever and to access the services provided by the remote server over an insecure channel. 远程用户认证方案允许一个有效的用户在一个不安全的信道上登录远程服务器并享用远程服务器提供的服务。
Many of the affected populations live in remote areas with limited access to adequate health services, which hampers the surveillance and therefore the diagnosis and treatment of cases. 受影响的许多人群生活在获取适当卫生服务的机会有限的偏远地区,从而影响了监测工作并因此影响了病例诊断和治疗。
A JMX-enabled application relies on an MBeanServer, which acts as a container for MBeans, providing remote access, namespace management, and security services. 支持JMX的应用程序依赖于MBeanServer,它充当MBean的容器,提供远程访问、命名空间管理和安全服务。
Women in remote and poor rural areas have far inferior health, access and utilization of healthcare services than women in urban areas and areas that are more developed. 边远贫困地区农村妇女健康水平、卫生保健服务利用与城市地区和发达地区妇女相比相对处于劣势。