He has chosen a house of Opus Dei(OD) to make the exchange. 他选了一座天主事工会的房子来作交易。
An evil Opus Dei(OD) albino monk stalks the streets of Rome in the film, the Da Vinci code. 电影《达芬奇密码》中有一名患有白化病的邪恶巫师。
Most churches are riven by tensions : it is not so long ago that the Roman Catholic Opus Dei(OD) glared at liberation theologists, and Moscow's Orthodox still squabble like mad with Constantinople's. 多数教堂因为无法承受压力而分裂开来:正当罗马天主教组织OpusDei怒视自由派神学家的时候,同样信奉东正教的莫斯科与君士坦丁堡之间却还在疯狂的争吵。