China Ocean Shipping Company(MCSU) Chartering Department 中国远洋运输总公司租船部
The company has established good business relations with China Foreign Trade Transportation Company Shanghai Branch, China Ocean Shipping Company(MCSU) ( COSCO ), and People's Navigation Company ( PENAVICO ). 公司与中国外贸运输公司上海公司、中国远洋运输集团公司、中国外轮代理公司有着良好的业务合作关系。
A freighter slipped by, heading seaward. China Ocean Shipping Company(MCSU) Chartering Department 一艘货船朝着海洋方向驶去。中国远洋运输总公司租船部
In recent years, the cases of failure of companies ' internal controls are numerous, such as foreign bankruptcy of Enron and Lehman Brothers, the domestic China Aviation Oil event, China Shipping funding scandal, China Ocean Shipping Company(MCSU) ST event. 近年来,企业内部控制失败的案例层出不穷,如国外的安然破产、雷曼兄弟破产,国内的中航油事件、中海集团资金门事件、中国远洋ST事件。
The China Ocean Shipping Tally Company Head Office has branches in all coast ports of our country. 中国外理总公司在我国沿海各港口都有分公司。