Text messaging has been a cash cow for mobile operators in recent years but instant messaging services allow unlimited mobile chat without needing to pay for each transmission. 最近几年手机短信一直是移动运营商的摇钱树,但使用即时通讯服务可以不受限制地移动聊天,而不需要为每条消息付费。
CPA's Personal Financial Services : An Unlimited Potential New Field CPA的个人理财业务:潜力无限的新领域
The list of products and services that are needed in the marketplace is unlimited. 市场上有需求的产品和服务数不胜数。
We will be first-class technology, equipment, services, management, for the majority of investors in the cause of creating an unlimited space. 我们将以一流的技术、设备、服务、管理,为广大的投资者创造无限的事业空间。
Driven by increasing demand for broadband services and access network, fi-ber-to-the-home ( FTTH ) has been intensively investigated for its potential application in access network. Passive Optical Network ( PON ) is an ideal choice for FTTH because of its unlimited bandwidth and cost-effective system. 在日益增长的宽带服务业务和接入需求的驱使下,光纤到户(FTTH)凭借其极大的带宽成为最理想的接入网技术。