Well, my name is Jeff Immelt, and I have worked for GE for20 years, and I've spent most of my career in GE's plastics and medical business and GE's appliance business. 大家好,我叫杰夫。伊梅尔特。我在GE已经干了20多年了。我大多数的工作都是在GE的塑料部门,医疗部门,和家电部门。
Making the decision to offload this part of GE would be laden with personal overtones for Mr Immelt : he first met his wife while working as a plastics sales rep, and both he and Mr Welch cut their managerial teeth in the unit. 对伊梅尔特而言,如做出砍掉通用电气这一部门的决定,那就具有私人色彩:他第一次遇到他妻子时,正担任塑料销售代表,而且他和韦尔奇都是在这个部门获得初步管理经验的。
Dow Chemical is expanding its research operations in both China and India, while the plastics division of General Electric has an R & D site in Shanghai. 陶氏化学(dowchemical)正在中国和印度扩展其研究业务,而通用电气(ge)的塑料集团在上海设有一个研发中心。