Meanwhile, executives from the BP oil company will appear Tuesday before a congressional panel, where they will begin three days of questioning about their operation of the damaged oil well. 与此同时,英国石油公司高层星期二将在一个国会小组听证会上作证,开始接受为期三天有关受损油井操作的质询。
The chapter three is the analysis and research on the multinational corporate social responsibility in practice, the BP oil company has been taken as an example. 第三章则侧重于对国外跨国公司在企业社会责任实践方面的研究和分析,其中样本采集上为英国石油公司(BP)。
This year, a deal between BP and Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft was blocked by TNK ( Exxon ( XOM ) ultimately won the deal ). 今年,秋明石油公司阻止了英国石油公司拟与俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft进行的一笔交易【埃克森美孚公司(Exxon)最终赢得了这笔交易】。
The deal sparked a furious row between BP and its partners in TNK-BP, a Russian oil company run as a joint venture between BP and a few Russian oligarchs. 该交易在bp与其tnk-bp公司的合作伙伴之间,引发了激烈争执,这家俄罗斯石油公司是bp与几位俄罗斯寡头联合运营的合资企业。
After the 2010 BP oil spill, it came to light that the company had a systemic problem with reporting safety issues up the chain. 2010年英国石油(BP)漏油事件发生后,该公司在上报安全事故方面存在的系统性问题大白于天下。