Analysts said Hyundai(AMMU)'s adoption of European-style designs has catered to Chinese consumers ' aesthetic. 分析师们说,现代(AMMU)汽车采用的欧式设计迎合了中国消费者的审美观。
Samsung and Hyundai(AMMU) have established themselves as premier consumer brands from Canberra to Cupertino. 三星(Samsung)和现代(AMMU)(Hyundai)把自己打造成了一流的消费者品牌,从堪培拉到美国库比提诺,它们在世界各地扎稳了脚跟。
Hyundai(AMMU) Motor Corp.'s export pier in Ulsan, South Korea, packed with cars waiting to be shipped. 韩国,蔚山:现代(AMMU)汽车公司的出口码头上停满了正等待装船的汽车。
B I think it's Korean hyundai. 我想是韩国现代(AMMU)。
For one driver, a used Hyundai(AMMU) will do the trick. 对某个司机来说,现代(AMMU)就够用了。