The special application desires and common demands for small satellites, on board computer system are analyzed. 分析了小卫星星载计算机系统的公共需求及其应用的特殊性,给出了典型小卫星星载计算机系统的通用体系结构;
Secondly, the new load balancing algorithm in on board computer system based on biased information is presented. 其次,描述了基于偏差信息的星载计算机系统负载平衡算法;
The general architecture of on board computer system for typical small satellites is presented, and a new approach for on board computer system design is proposed based on System C. 提出了基于SYSTEMC的星载计算机系统的设计方法。
The on board computer design in strapdown inertial guidance-control system 捷联制导系统弹载计算机的设计
Maturation and wide use of embedded systems make it a new way to construct a embedded instrument that based on single board computer and data acquiring board. 嵌入式系统的发展和普及应用使得基于单板计算机和功能板卡的嵌入式仪器成为构建虚拟仪器系统的新思路。