The control station may be a computer in a message switching system. 在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。
Computerized message switching system 计算机化信息转接系统
An indicator which shows that a message transfers through the digital switching system to indicate the start of message and activate the automatical message switching system into operations. 一种表明报文通过数字交换系统的指示器〔符〕,表示报文开始并激活自动报文交换系统进行工作。
In a ( message switching ) communications system, an intermediate address by which an addressee may be known for routing purposes. 在一个(信息交换)通信系统中,在路由选择时由该地址可以知道收信方的一个中间地址。
Designment and Implementation of Asymmetric Message Switching Mechanism in Network Management System's Modules of High Performance Router T比特路由器网管系统内部模块间非对称消息交换方法设计与实现