Orchestration refers to automated execution of a workflow, i.e., you define workflow using an execution language such as BPEL, and you have an orchestration engine to execute the workflow at runtime. 编配(Orchestration)指的是自动执行(AEX)一个工作流,即,你用一种执行语言如BPELP定义好工作流,同时你让编配引擎在运行时执行这一工作流。
The CCP technology integrates information acquisition, data networking, data processing, operation planning and automated execution functions to support effective mechanized precision crop production. 该技术融合信息采集、网络通讯、数据处理、过程决策、自动执行(AEX)等功能,能有效地完成作物生产的精确机械化作业。
Automated test execution means arranging for the correct system's initial conditions, then invoking the script playback tool. 执行自动化的测试意味着安排正确的系统初始条件,然后调用脚本回放工具。
In these situations, the scripts for automated test execution need to be changed regularly, which is difficult. 在这些情况下,需要定期地变更用于自动的测试执行的脚本,这是很困难的。
Features such as pre-configured schedules for automated job execution make operation fast and easy. 例如自动化作业的执行预先设定的时间表功能,使操作变得简单快捷。