Turkey's parliament voted Thursday to allow the United States to use its airspace, a measure that would allow attack jets on aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean to fly more directlysintosiraq. 土议会星期四投票表决通过了同意美军飞越其领空的议案,这意味着驻扎在地中海的由航空母舰承载的美军战机将更快捷地飞往伊拉克。
Airspace planning departments is increasingly facing the pressing issue that how to use the airspace resources effectively. 如何有效利用空域资源成为空域规划部门日益面临的紧迫问题。
Officials said such economic use of low airspace would include tourism, flight training, agricultural applications such as crop spraying, and medical rescue helicopters. 官员们表示,低空空域的此类经济利用将包括旅游、飞行训练、各种农业应用(比如向作物喷洒农药),以及医疗救援直升机。
Turkish newspapers reported Friday that Turkish insistence on sending its troopssintosnorthern Iraq has prevented an agreement on the use of Turkish airspace. 星期五的土耳其报纸报道,说由于土坚持派军队进驻北伊拉克才导致美土双方未能就该议案达成一致。
Because the relationship between increasing needs of airspace using and airspace capacity that is almost keeping invariable must be processed appropriately, the effective use of current airspace becomes a focus at the same time of researching how to ensure the maximum security. 由于必须协调好不断增长的空域使用需要和几乎保持不变的空域容量,使研究如何保证最大的安全性的同时,高效利用现有空域成为一个焦点问题。