However, the agency is not obligated to accept the participants ' compromise in the final rule. 但机关在最终规则(FR)形成时没有义务接受参与者的妥协。
His final rule is to turn off the computer sometimes. 他的最后一条原则是,我们有时要关上电脑。
The final rule type is called a tree rule. 最后一种规则类型称为树状规则。
There could be some good news for the banks in the final rule. 最终投票结果可能给投行带来一些好消息。
After receiving the comments, the agency can issue a final rule, along with a general statement describing the rule's authority and purpose. 收到评论之后,机构可以发布终局规章及一份描述规章职权及目的的总体陈述。