Local residence with valid drive license and owned vehicle are highly appreciated. 具有北京市户籍、有效驾驶执照和交通工具的销售人士优先考虑。
The main reasons as follows : Firstly, in China, the subjects who owned or control the motor vehicle are very complex and diverse. 主要有以下原因:第一,在我国,与机动车形成所有或管控关系的主体复杂多样。
It has an important significance to guarantee reasonable tax levey for our country, to prevent state - owned assets from lossing and avoiding illegal trade in old motor vehicle market. 确保国有资产不致流失、防止旧机动车市场的非法交易具有重要的意义。
Last week, the carmaker, which is part owned by the French government, suspended three executives following an internal investigation into the suspected theft of secrets from its electric vehicle programme. 上周,在对电动汽车项目机密信息遭窃一案进行内部调查之后,公司三名高管被停职。