Their instruments detected very faint radiowaves at a frequency of 3 kilohertz. 他们的仪器检测到一个3千赫的微弱无线电波。
Radio station frequencies are often given in terms of kilohertz. 电台的频率常常以千赫为单位。
A ten kilohertz sound, which is very high pitched. 极尖利的10千赫音。
Clock frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz might be achievable, but do not look for gigahertz-rated organic chips anytime soon. 或许可以做到几十万赫兹的时脉,但在短期内别想要有10亿赫兹等级的有机晶片。
While performing the seismic modelling experiment, it needs to have tens to hundreds of kilohertz and well-distributed orientation-dependent narrow pulse acoustic wave as simulation source. 在地震模型实验中,需要获得几十至几百千赫的、方向性较均匀的窄脉冲声波作为模拟震源。