The Rail Rapid Transit(RRT) system and the Bus Transit system are the two important parts of the city public transportation system. 城市公共交通系统主要包含轨道交通(RRT)系统和常规公交系统两个重要组成部分。
In view of the whole city public transportation system, party-line operation of the Rail Rapid Transit(RRT) system and the Bus Transit system is not only a competition but also a co-operation. 从整个城市公共交通系统的角度来说,常规公交和轨道交通(RRT)的共线运营具有竞争与合作的双重性质。
In face of the severe problem on the short of energy sources and land, the dominant role of the high-capacity rail rapid transit has been established on the whole in the future metropolitan transportation system in our country. 面对严峻的能源和土地问题,城市大容量快速轨道交通(RRT)系统在我国未来大城市交通中的主导地位已经基本确立。
According to the contradiction between rapid development of urban space and the lag of urban transportation development, most of the domestic cities have basically established high-density rail rapid transit development plan, and some have entered or will enter into the rapid development stage of RRT. 针对新时期城市空间拓展迅速与城市交通建设滞后之间的矛盾,国内大多数城市已基本确立了高密度的轨道交通(RRT)发展计划,部分已经进入或即将进入轨道交通(RRT)的快速建设阶段。
Light rail rapid transit ( LRRT ) is a newly emerged mode of city transport based upon highly modernized trams together with substantially segregated tracks. 轻轨快速交通是一种新的城市交通模式,是以现代化程度较高的有轨电车和隔离程度较完善的线路为基础构成的。