Many CPA firms offer their clients a wide range of management consulting services. 许多注册会计师事务所为其客户提供广泛的管理咨询服务(MCS)。
Joe Plumeri introduced Willis'experience in the field of insurance and risk management and expressed the hope to provide more professional risk management consulting services for SOEs. 约瑟夫介绍了韦莱集团在保险领域、企业风险管理领域开展业务的经验,希望能向更多的中央企业提供专业的风险管理咨询服务(MCS)。
Arthur D.Littles management consulting services were historically sought after not only by corporations but also by state and federal agencies and governments worldwide. 向理特寻求帮助的不仅有全球各地的各个行业的公司,还包括政府机构和非盈利组织。
Human resources management consulting as a part of management consulting has become the most important one core business of company management consulting services, and has the great space of development. 人力资源管理咨询作为管理咨询的一部分,已经成为企业管理咨询服务(MCS)中最重要的核心业务之一,发展空间巨大。
There are a variety of viewpoints on chartered public accountants providing both auditing and management consulting services, with their respective advantages and disadvantages, namely no restrictions, normally no restrictions, severe restrictions and split of auditing market. 对于注册会计师同时提供审计和管理咨询服务(MCS),存在着不加任何限制、一般不限制、严格限制和审计市场拆分等多种观点,这些观点各有利弊。