Where there is a special need for general aviation operations, it may be established by the relevant flight control department with approval from the major military command in the locality. 通用航空飞行特殊需要时,经所在地大军区批准后由有关飞行管制部门划设。
The promotion from reserve Lieutenant Colonel to reserve Colonel shall be approved by the heads of units at the level of major military command; 预备役中校晋升预备役上校,由大军区级单位正职首长批准;
The rank of reserve Colonel shall be conferred with the approval of the heads of units at the level of major military command; 预备役中校、少校,由有军官职务任免权的军级单位正职首长批准授予;
The framework and functions of the major incident command system 重大事故应急指挥系统(ICS)框架与功能
As explained in the definitions of economies, the major difference between command economies and market economies is the method by which resources are allocated for the production of goods and services. 正如经济定义中所解释的一样,市场经济和指令性经济的主要差别在于商品生产和各种服务的提供的资源分配手段问题。