The Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC) said the levels of the carcinogen cadmium in the glasses was too high. 消费安全产品委员会认为这些玻璃杯中的镉含量过高。
But the Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC) has just lowered the limit to ninety parts per million. 但是消费者安全产品委员会将其降低限制到90ppm。
The Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC), which regulates household cleaners, has no limit for1,4-dioxane and evaluates the safety of products on a case-by-case basis, spokesman Scott Wolfson said. 管理家用清洁剂消费者产品安全的委员会并没有任何限制1,4-二恶烷六环的含量,并没有在个案的基础上评估产品安全,发言人斯科特沃尔夫森说。