There are no base stations or mobile switching centers in Ad Hoc networks. Consequently, all protocols used in it must operate in a distributed manner. 网络中没有固定的基站和移动交换中心,所有的协议都必须分布式工作。
Applying VLAN and switching technology to the network design and supporting various communication protocols, the high usability of hospital information management can be realized. 将虚拟网技术和交换技术结合应用于网络设计当中,通过支持多种通信协议,实现医院管理的信息网络化。
These problems and inconveniences include use of multiple communication protocols by an application, switching of communication protocol by an application, extending the use of ESB to new communication protocols, scalability to large number of applications, and general maintenance and update of an ESB. 这些问题和难题包括一个应用程序使用多种通信协议、一个应用程序切换应用程序、将ESB的用途扩展到新通信协议、针对大量应用程序的可伸缩性,以及ESB的一般维护和更新。