When it comes to receiving and shipping of products, we strive for zero defects both for our internal as well as external customers and suppliers. 说到进货和发货的产品,我们争取零缺陷(ZD)为我们的内部和外部的客户和供应商。
For attribute data sampling, the acceptance level shall be zero defects. 计数型数据抽样的接收准则应是零缺陷(ZD)。
QULITY STANDARD : Steady quality & zero defects. 质量稳定无缺陷。
However, under the impact of the " zero defects " concept, the traditional quality cost management has been unable to meet the needs of enterprise management. 但是,在“零缺陷(ZD)”理念的冲击下,传统的质量成本管理已经不能满足企业的经营管理需要。
In Mr Yau's words, his company has achieved " zero defects " and " zero days late " in delivery. 用Yau先生的话说,他的公司已经现实了“零次品”和“交货延误零天”的记录。