Capacity per unit area of husked rice separator 谷糙分离设备单位面积产量
While maintaining the original production process of a continuous reforming unit, the refinery added a membrane separator at the end of the hydrogen production unit. 连续重整装置原系统流程不变,在自产氢气后路增加一套膜分离装置。
Sour water stripping unit was revamped by using DYF-110 type oil-water separator and " tank within tank " deoiling technology in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company. 采用DYF-110型油水分离器及“罐中罐”脱油技术,对中国石油兰州石化分公司酸性水汽提装置进行改造。
The molten lead target unit are combined with an on line isotope separator. 将熔化铅靶技术应用于在线同位素分离器。
The basic control loops of the unit include water cooler outlet temperature, cyclone separator level, feed gas pressure, permeation gas pressures and operating temperatures of 1st and 2nd-stages. 膜分离装置的基本控制回路主要包括水冷器出口温度、旋风分离器液位、原料气入膜压力及一段、二段渗透气压力、操作温度等。