Service description and definition via a standard interface; for example, WSDL. 通过标准接口(SI)的服务描述和定义;例如,WSDL。
UDDI ( Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration ) defines a standard interface ( based on SOAP messages ) for publishing the availability of a service and for finding a required service. UDDI(通用描述,发现和集成)为发布服务的可用性和发现所需服务定义了一个标准接口(SI)(基于SOAP消息)。
The Workplace Forms Viewer standard interface includes the Viewer window, a title bar, and a toolbar. WorkplaceFormsViewer的标准界面包括Viewer窗口、标题条和工具条。
Relational database management systems offer a standard interface for data storage and retrieval, a developed security model around data access, and the support of concurrency with multiple users accessing the stored data. 关系数据库管理系统提供了一种标准的数据存储和检索接口、一个围绕数据访问的高级安全模型,以及对多个用户同时访问存储的数据的并发性支持。
We use the JMX as the standard interface, and we design a MIB to provide the interoperability between mobile-agent and SNMP. 引入JMX中间层作为标准化的平台接口:设计一个MIB接口解决网管和移动代理的互操作问题。