Procedure for the exchange of control information and user data between a packet assembly / disassembly ( PAD ) facility and a packet mode DTE or another PAD 在分组装拆(PAD)设施与分组式DTE或与另一个PAD之间交换控制信息和用户数据的规程
Packet assembly / disassembly facility ( PAD ) in a public data network 公用数据网中的分组装拆设施
DCE / DTE interface for a start-stop mode data terminal equipment accessing the packet assembly / disassembly facility ( PAD ) in a pubic data network situated in the same country 起止式数据终端进入本国公用数据网的分组装拆(PAD)设施的DCE/DTE之间的接口
In order for all kinds of no-packet facsimile terminals to communicate one another over PSDN. a Facsimile Packet Assembly / Disassembly system ( FAX-PAD ) is described. 为使非分组的各类传真终端能在分组交换网上进行通信,又引出了传真装(配)拆(卸)系统(FAX-PAD)。