With visualization and metrics in one interactive interface, almost unlimited what-if scenarios are possible. 随著在一个可视化和交互界面(II)的指标,几乎无限的假设情景是可能的。
An automatic software-development technique of interactive interface for intelligent instruments is presented in this paper. 提出一种智能仪表交互界面(II)的软件开发自动化技术。
HeapRoots provides a command-line interactive interface where you enter commands and gets results. HeapRoots提供了命令行交互式界面,您可以在其中输入命令并获取结果。
In this design, being combined with MVC patterns and QT / E techniques to achieve a friendly interactive interface for embedded devices; 该方案结合MVC模式及QT/E技术实现了友好的嵌入式终端的界面交互;
Applying interactive interface, PLC and full digital DC speed adjusting system to update old mechanical closer. 应用人机对话技术、PLC和全数字直流调速器,对老式机械传动的合绳机进行改造。