He refused to say what the disagreements were about or to give any specifics on the draft proposal. 他拒绝说明分歧是什么,也没有具体解释这个提议的草案。
While the new EU-wide plan does not in fact set mandatory quotas, as an earlier draft proposal suggested, it will introduce a range of administrative burdens to coerce companies to appoint more female non-executive directors. 这项覆盖全欧盟的新计划事实上并未像此前草案所建议的那样,设定强制性配额,而是将引入一系列行政负担,以迫使公司任命更多的女性非执行董事。
Iranian media quote a senior Iranian lawmaker Thursday dismissed the draft proposal, saying it is not acceptable. 伊朗媒体星期四援引伊朗议会副议长的话说,这个草案是不能接受的。
The decision to hold the meeting came after Moscow signed off on a draft proposal that western diplomats say calls on Mr Assad to step aside and for a national unity government to be formed. 在召开此次会议的决定做出之前,俄罗斯政府签署了一份提议草案。在草案中,西方外交官们呼吁阿萨德下台,并呼吁叙利亚组建全国联合政府。
The European Commission is now planning a draft proposal for the a mega banking bureaucracy with a goal of implementation by the end of 2013. 目前,欧盟委员会正在筹划起草一份计划,建立一个庞大的银行监管机构,并希望于2013年底实施。