Is there any special scanner settings required versus just a standard carriage return after scanned data? 在扫描数据以后有要求任何特殊扫描仪设置对仅仅一标准回车(CR)吗?
Note that carriage return is required between entries. 注意在这两项之间需要使用回车(CR)符号。
This function is followed by a call to the procedure newline, which outputs a carriage return. 在这个函数之后,调用newline过程,结果会输出一个回车(CR)。
Also note that the result of the write system call is the number of characters written & in this case, 17 plus one carriage return. 还可以注意到,write系统调用的结果是写入字符的个数数目,在这个示例中为17加上一个回车(CR)。
Field may not contain carriage return, line feed or tab characters 域不能包含回车(CR)、换行和制表符等字符