This approach is obviously limited to call level interface ( CLI ) programs, but it's very fast. 这种方法显然只限于调用层接口(CLI)应用程序,但是它非常快。
How do I perform a RUNSTATS to gather statistics from the call level interface ( CLI ) or Java? 如何通过调用级接口(CLI)或Java执行RUNSTATS来收集统计信息?
The SQL Call Level Interface(CLI) ( CLI ) has provided users with a new connection attribute to tune the optimization goal used with the database queries. SQLCallLevelInterface(CLI)为用户提供了一个新的连接属性,用于调优数据库查询使用的优化目标。
Two new capabilities in V8 load are especially interesting in terms of being alternatives to insert : load from a cursor, and load from call level interface ( CLI ) applications. 在V8load中有两个新功能,它们对于load成为insert的替代方案有着特别的功效,这两个功能是:从游标装载和从调用层接口(CLI)应用程序装载。
To connect to a DB2 or Cloudscape database server, the Unified ODBC extension for PHP relies on the Call Level Interface(CLI) ( CLI ) layer of the DB2 client. 为了连接DB2或Cloudscape数据库服务器,PHP的统一ODBC扩展需要依赖DB2客户机的调用级接口(CallLevelInterface,CLI)层。