You can add PHP as a Common Gateway Interface(CGI) ( CGI ) engine to most Web servers. 可将PHP作为通用网关接口(CommonGatewayInterface,CGI)引擎添加到绝大多数Web服务器中。
With LAMP, you typically serve a Web application through simple operating-system scripts, using a framework such as the Common Gateway Interface(CGI) ( CGI ). 在LAMP中,通常您可以通过简单的操作系统脚本,使用诸如公共网关接口(CGI)(CGI)之类的框架来提供Web应用程序。
As to underlying architectures, the Common Gateway Interface(CGI) ( CGI ) was the first widely used approach to extend Web servers to provide interactive content. 对于底层架构来说,CGI(CommonGatewayInterface)是第一种广泛用来扩展Web服务器从而提供交互内容的方法。
After all these years, is there any future on the Web for CGI-the Common Gateway Interface(CGI)? 经过这么多年之后,用在网站上的公共入口界面(CGI)是否有未来?
Common Gateway Interface(CGI) ( CGI ) is a key technology of WWW information system. 公共网关界面(CGI)是WWW信息系统中的一个关键技术。