Method Adopting the combination of computer assisted instruction method, emotional education and social practice to improve the teaching quality. 方法:采用多媒体教学手段与情感教育、社会实践等手段相结合。
It is an inexorable trend to use multimedia computer assisted instruction ( CAI ) for education. 计算机多媒体辅助教学是教学方式发展的必然趋势。
The research of Computer Assisted Instruction is necessary to the education innovation as the important part of modern technology for instruction. 计算机辅助教学(CAI)作为现代教育技术应用的一个重要方面,目前已经在教育改革中起到了举足轻重的作用。
CAI ( Computer Assisted Instruction ) has brought to education lasting influence since its birth and developing into MCAI ( Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction ) which takes multi-media and internet technology as its core. 从CAI技术的产生,发展到以多媒体与网络技术为核心的MCAI技术,CAI已给教育教学带来了深远的影响。
With the development of computer technology and web mechanics of communication, CAI ( Computer Assisted Instruction ) is widely used in education system and it has taken an important part in education reform. 随着计算机和网络通讯技术的发展,计算机辅助教学CAI(COMPUTERASSISTEDINSTRUCTION)已深入到教育系统中,成为教育变革的重要方面。