Information technology education at college aims to cultivate talents with high intelligence and information accomplishments. 大学计算机信息技术教育(TECH ED)在于培养和造就具有高智慧信息素养的人。
This thesis discussed the importance of the information technology education and its relationship with the teaching of physics. 摘要信息技术教育(TECH ED)十分重要,并与物理教学的关系相当密切。
The information capacity of students, to improve their information literacy is a fundamental goal of information technology education. 培养学生的信息能力、提高学生的信息素养是信息技术教育(TECH ED)的根本目标。
USAID is working in the Philippines to ensure that more women and girls have access to technology education. 美国国际开发署在菲律宾开展的工作着眼于让更多妇女和女童能够接受高新技术教育(TECH ED)。
Modern science education has developed into science and technology education, which is determined by the inseparability between science and technology. 现代科学和技术的不可分割性质决定了科学教育已发展成为科技教育。