But while championing the Senate resolution, Senator Kerry argued the administration's logic is sound. 克里参议员虽然拥护参议院的提案,但他认为,奥巴马政府的逻辑是合理的。
Should the full Senate pass the resolution and Congress's appropriators respect it, the commission's primary job will be done. 如果参议院全票通过,同时国会的划拨者能加以尊重,那么“削减赤字委员会”的首项任务就能完成。
But that was two days after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a resolution to oppose a troop increase as not in the national interest. 那是在参议院外交委员会通过了反对增兵的决议二天之后,因为它不符合国家利益。
Irena Sendler, who lives in a nursing home in Warsaw, was too frail to attend the special session in which members of the Senate unanimously ( 2 ) approved a resolution honoring her and the Polish underground Council for Assisting Jews. IrenaSendler目前住在华沙养老院中,由于身体虚弱无法参加这个特殊的仪式。上议院全票通过授予她和她的地下委员会帮助犹太人荣誉的决议。
But Mrs Clinton told the Senate foreign relations committee the US had agreed a draft UN resolution imposing penalties on Iran with the other four permanent members of the Security Council, as well as Germany. 但希拉里向美国参议院外交关系委员会表示,美国已与安理会另外四个常任理事国以及德国就一项制裁伊朗的联合国决议草案达成一致。