Firstly, it analyzes the problems of British tourism higher education from teaching quality, educational aim and national core curriculum. 首先,重点从教育质量、教育目的和国家核心课程三个方面剖析了英国旅游高等教育发展存在的主要问题。
The mass higher education in Britain, the expansion of the number of tourism programs and students inevitably lead to more concern and debate about the teaching quality, educational aim and national core curriculum. 英国高等教育大众化、产业化,旅游专业和学生数量的增多不可避免地使人们对英国旅游高等教育的质量、教育目的和课程内容等方面比以往更加关注,产生更多的质疑。
Quality education is the core of the new curriculum reform, at present in the country has spread. 以素质教育为核心的新课程改革,目前已在全国展开。
In the curriculum concepts, " Ordinary high school Curriculum Standards " clearly points out that improving every senior school student's scientific quality of biology is the core mission of the senior high school biology curriculum. 在课程理念上,《普通高中生物课程标准(实验)》明确指出提高每个高中学生的生物科学素养是高中生物课程的核心任务。
Carrying out curriculum design and curriculum evaluation will ensure the quality of developing students in institutions of higher learning, and designing a scientific curriculum evaluating scheme will be the core in the curriculum design in the institutions. 开展课程建设和课程评估工作是保证高校人才培养质量的有效策略,而制定科学的课程评估方案则是高校开展课程建设的核心问题。