Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees no need for a House resolution in praise of Michael Jackson. 今天,白宫发言人南希·佩洛西说她觉得白宫歌颂迈克尔·杰克逊的提案没什么必要。
In the third chapter, the urban house dispute resolution mechanism in our country, the existing problems of the urban house dismantlement from dispute prevention system, dispute settlement system and the security system are discussed thoroughly. 第三章指出我国城市房屋纠纷解决机制存在的问题,并就城市房屋拆迁纠纷的预防制度、纠纷解决制度和拆迁保障制度各自存在的问题分别进行了全面分析。
I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government. 现在,我请求下院,根据以我的名义提出的决议案,批推已采取的各项步骤,将它记录在案,并宣布对新政府的信任。
The House debates the resolution and may at the conclusion consider the resolution as a whole or vote on each article of impeachment individually. 众议院对此决议实施辩论,结果可能将全案视为一整体,或对各「弹劾文」分别进行投票。
In the second chapter, the urban house dismantlement dispute resolution system, the current situation of prevention system for dispute, the settlement system and the classification security system are analyzed in depth. 第二章深入分析了我国城市房屋拆迁纠纷解决机制的现状,并分类研究我国城市房屋拆迁纠纷的预防制度、纠纷解决制度和拆迁保障制度的现状。