Republicans refused to back the original House bill and indicate they are not about to change their minds. 共和党人拒绝支持众议院通过的原有议案,并表示他们不会改变主意。
A House bill focused strictly on border security, and a Senate bill concentrated on amnesty. 众议院在法案中强调边境安全,而参议院法案则在法案中强调特赦。
The Senate bill, the House bill, the overlap is90-plus percent. 参院版的法案和众院版的法案,有百分之九十以上是一样的。
Messrs Schumer and Graham have rewritten their version into something similar to the House bill. 舒默和格雷厄姆已经将自己的提案修改得接近于众议院的法案。
Another improvement is that the Senate's plan raises money not by soaking the rich through income taxes, as the House bill envisions, but through excise taxes on the most expensive health policies. 另一个改进是参议院的计划不采取众议院想象的那样,通过征收所得税抽干富人而筹集资金,而是通过向最贵的健康保险保单征收消费税。