Intelligence gathering and investigation of pre-sentence investigation of intelligence in the process basically belong to the same process, but they each have their own significant characteristics, working methods and functions. 侦查情报的收集和侦查情报的预判在进程上基本属于同一个过程,但是他们各自又有自身显著的特点、工作方法和职能。
Intelligence-gathering investigation investigation of intelligence work is all premise and basis of pre-sentence investigation was detection of intelligence information analysis and intelligence gathering checks to change direction. 侦查情报收集是一切侦查情报工作的前提和基础,侦查情报预判则为侦查情报分析工作把关并对情报的收集工作调整方向。
In drawing on the specific structure on the sentencing procedure in common law as an example the United States is divided into pre-sentence investigation and sentencing hearings in two stages. 在借鉴具体量刑程序构造上对英美法系以美国法为例分为量刑前调查(PSI)和量刑听审两个阶段。
This article is divided into four categories of intelligence investigation, starting from each of four pre-sentence investigation methods of intelligence. Third, the investigation of intelligence analysis and application. 本文将侦查情报划分为四类,从这四类入手分别研究侦查情报预判的方法。三、侦查情报的分析与应用。