United Nations University(UNU) Endowment fund; 联合国大学(UNU)捐赠基金;
At the request of unesco, the Asia-Pacific Development Center and United Nations university, China has undertaken research projects on Chinese women and submitted many reports which have all been well received. 应联合国教科文组织、亚太发展中心和联合国大学(UNU)的要求,中国多次承担了关于中国妇女问题的研究项目,提交的报告受到普遍好评。
United Nations University(UNU) International Centre for Distance Learning 联合国大学(UNU)国际远距离教育中心
Agreement between the United Nations and Japan regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations University(UNU) 国际天主教大学联合会(天主教学联)联合国和日本关于联合国大学(UNU)总部的协定
But such is the pace of Chinese development, argues Professor Anthony Shorrocks of the United Nations University(UNU) ( UNU ), the country will soon have more people in this group than Japan. 但联合国大学(UNU)(UnitedNationsUniversity)教授安东尼•夏洛克斯(AnthonyShorrocks)认为,按中国目前的发展速度,跻身这一群体的中国人数量将很快超越日本。